Learn to Love Yourself
Falling in love with yourself is the first secret to happiness. Your greatest responsibility is to love yourself and know that you are enough. You need to love yourself first because that’s who you will be spending the rest of your life with!
Keep reading to find out our top self-care tips for happiness!
1. Have Fun Alone
Find an activity or hobby which allows you to have fun by yourself. You will learn to enjoy your own company and gain confidence in yourself.
Some fun ideas are:
Reading a book, going to the cinema, taking yourself on a date, going to the gym, taking up a new hobby (e.g. pottery, dance, a sport etc.), teaching yourself new skills using free online resources (e.g. Makeup/hair tutorials on youtube, computer skills), writing a blog, editing home videos, photography, playing a game (board or video), sunbathing, swimming etc.
2. Travel
Start to travel more on your own. This will help you learn more about yourself as you discover new places, people, and cultures.
Travelling not only helps you learn more about yourself, as you delve out of your comfort zone and try new adventures, but it also helps you maintain a positive mind frame by balancing your emotions as you are placed in new environments. This is great for your mental health! For example, exposing yourself to sunlight or beautiful scenery can induce the happy hormone.
3. Forgive Yourself
Forgive yourself and forget your mistakes. Move forward and do not look back. Reflect and learn from your mistakes! Love yourself despite any mistakes you have made in the past. Everyone makes mistakes, no body is perfect and no one expects you to be perfect. So move on and look to the future.
4. Believe
Happiness is about being kinder to yourself, embracing the person you are becoming, and learning to live with yourself. Your happiness is not in the hands of other people, it depends on YOU. Believe in yourself and listen to your heart and follow it wherever it chooses to go.
Remember: you are so capable of doing anything you set your heart to. If something does not go your way, you get back up and try again. Keep pushing! Trust your journey and that everything happens for a reason. Believe in yourself! You are exactly where you are meant to be right now, so stop stressing. Stay positive. Life is short, so make the most of it!
5. Surprise yourself
Stay motivated by trying things out of your comfort zone. Push yourself to do things you would not usually do. You may find you enjoy something you never knew about or did not think you would enjoy.
A few examples are:
Go sky diving, try a new food, visit a city you have never been to before, try learning a new language, listen to a genre of music you don’t usually like, plant some flowers, visit a museum or local art gallery, learn to cook a new recipe, go ride a bike, go to the theatre, volunteer at a local shelter or charity, try a new form of exercise like pilates or tennis
6. Journal
Write a journal to express your thoughts and feelings. When you have a hard day going back and reading how you coped with a similar situation can help you. Or simply reading back on memories when you have had a really positive day can boost your mood. Writing a journal helps you focus on the good things and learn from bad experiences.
Make a list of your accomplishments. You will learn to fall in love with yourself by seeing how amazing you are. Sometimes we achieve so much without even realising it. Until you write it down, the small day to day accomplishments you achieve can slip by without appreciation. This is a great way to remind yourself how special you are and how much you have achieved!
7. Have a break
Give yourself a break…and we don’t just mean a tea or coffee break! We are all our own worst critic and we can be very hard on ourselves. You need to learn to give yourself a break. No one is perfect and you cannot expect yourself to be so. Accept that some things in life happen without your control and you just need to learn to accept them.
8. Vision Board
Create a vision board which has all your goals and motivations on it. Visualising your goals is one of the “Law’s of attraction” and can help you stay motivated and excited about your future. Focus on your dreams and start to love yourself and the life you live.
Stay tuned for a later blog to come soon where we show you how to create a vision board.
9. Self-Trust
Before you can trust anyone else, you need to trust yourself. Learn to listen to your gut instinct and understand what is best for you. Often our inner voice is leading us the right way but we choose to ignore it. Become more attuned to your feelings and listen to yourself.
10. Take care
This may seem obvious, but this one is important. Take care and look after yourself. Whether that may be exercising more, eating a better diet, or just having more down-time ….find something that makes your heart feel full without the need of others. If you take care of yourself, you will start to love yourself.
We hope that these tips help in learning to love yourself and finding happiness.
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Wishing you a fabulous week and remember, it’s November, the month of being thankful. Even when life is hard and you may be struggling, there is still so much to be grateful for.
For any questions, please reach out to us via email at customerservice@kiaracrystal.com or message us on Instagram at @KiaraCrystalBottle
Love, Light & Peace,
Kiara Crystal xoxo
P.S: If you have any great ideas on how you take a moment to love yourself, then please share them with us! We would all love to help each other :) Message us on Instagram, Facebook or send us an email at customerservice@kiaracrystal.com